There are 175 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan Nov. 24, bringing the provincial total to date to 6,883 cases.
The seven-day average of daily cases is 209 (17.3 new cases per 100,000 population).
The new cases are located in the Far Northwest (5), Far North Central (5), Far Northeast (13), Northwest (14), North Central (5), Northeast (4), Saskatoon (28), Central West (9), Central East (2), Regina (70), Southwest (3), South Central (9) and Southeast (4) zones and four (4) new cases have pending residence information.
Five cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Far Northeast (1), North Central (3), and Northwest (1).
Of the 6,883 reported cases, 2,927 are considered active. A total of 3,919 people have recovered.
One-hundred and five people are in hospital. Eighty-five people are receiving inpatient care; seven in the Northwest, 10 in North Central, one in Northeast, 32 in Saskatoon, two in Central East, 11 in Regina, two in Southwest, and 20 in the Southeast zone. Twenty people are in intensive care: two in Northwest, one in North Central, ten in Saskatoon, two in Southwest and five in Regina.
Of the 6,883 cases in the province:
452 cases are travelers;
3,027 are community contacts (including mass gatherings);
1,427 have no known exposures; and
1,977 are under investigation by local public health.
Overall in Saskatchewan to date:
207 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances.
1,458 cases involve people 19 years of age and under, while the remainder are adults.
2,441 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 1,835 are in the 40-59 age range; 901 are in the 60-79 age range; and 243 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases.
51 per cent of the cases are females and 49 per cent are males.
37 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date.
Of 6,883 confirmed cases:
2,005 cases are from the Saskatoon area
1,462 cases are from the north area (511 northwest, 680 north central, 271 northeast)
1,095 cases are from the Regina area
931 cases are from the south area (340 southwest, 369 south central, 222 southeast)
797 cases are from the far north area (547 far northwest, 72 far north central, 178 far northeast)
563 cases are from the central area (258 central west, 305 central east)
30 cases have pending residence information
To date, 324,060 COVID-19 tests have been processed Saskatchewan. As of Nov. 22, 2020 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 209,706 people tested per million population. The national rate was 291,058 people tested per million population.
Yesterday, 3,174 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan.
Support Contract Tracing and Download the COVID Alert App
Health Canada’s COVID Alert application is available to Saskatchewan residents. This free, voluntary app provides digital alerts to let people know if they may have been exposed to COVID-19. It does not collect personal health information or track the location of users but can ensure your contacts get the earliest possible exposure notifications, if utilized.
COVID Alert is available for Canadians as a free download from the App Store or the Google Play Store.
More information on using the app and how your privacy is protected at www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-apps.
General COVID-19 Information
General public inquiries may be directed to COVID19@health.gov.sk.ca.