There were 304 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered yesterday in Saskatchewan. This brings the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 33,353. As of Jan. 24, 102 per cent of the doses received have been administered. This overage is due to efficiencies in drawing extra doses from vials of vaccine received.
The doses were administered in the following zones: Saskatoon (149), Far North Central (11), Far Northeast (11), and Northwest (133). An additional 10 vaccines not previously reported, were administered in the Far North Central zone Jan. 19.
For a listing of first and second doses in Saskatchewan administered by geographic zone, visit https://www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-vaccine-update.
Daily COVID-19 Statistics
There are 240 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan Jan. 25, bringing the provincial total to date to 22,416 cases.
One Saskatchewan resident who tested positive for COVID-19 has died. The individual was from the North Central Zone and in the 80-plus age group.
The new cases are located in the Far Northwest (17), Far North Central (2), Far Northeast (3), Northwest (33), North Central (12), Northeast (36), Saskatoon (49), Central West (5), Central East (30), Regina (42), South Central (2) and Southeast (6) zones and three (3) new cases have pending residence information.
Three cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Northwest (1), North Central (1), and Southeast (1) zones.
One previously reported case was deemed to be out-of-province and removed from the count for Saskatoon.
A total of 18,890 individuals have recovered and 3,272 cases are considered active.
Two hundred two (202) people are in hospital. One hundred seventy (170) people are receiving inpatient care: Far Northwest (3), Northwest (13), North Central (27), Northeast (2), Saskatoon (69), Central West (3), Central East (8), Regina (39), Southwest (1), South Central (1) and Southeast (4). Thirty-two (32) people are in intensive care: Northwest (2), North Central (2), Saskatoon (14), Central East (1), Regina (11), Southwest (1) and South Central (1).
There were 2,193 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan Jan. 23.
To date, 493,132 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan. As of Jan. 22, 2021 when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 280,726 people tested per million population. The national rate was 453,601 people tested per million population.
Further statistics on the total number of cases among healthcare workers, breakdowns of total cases by source of infection, age, sex and region, total tests to date and the per capita testing rate can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website. Visit www.saskatchewan.ca/government/health-care-administration-and-provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/cases-and-risk-of-covid-19-in-saskatchewan.
The seven-day average of daily new cases is 265 (21.6 new cases per 100,000 population) and is now available on the Government of Saskatchewan website. This chart compares today’s average to data collected over the past several months. Visit https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/health-wellness/covid-19/seven-day-average-of-new-covid-cases.
SHA Drive-thru Testing Wait-Times Now Available Online
Beginning today, the Saskatchewan Health Authority will post the wait times for all drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites on their website at https://www.saskhealthauthority.ca/news/service-alerts-emergency-events/Pages/COVID-19-Drive-Thru-Wait-Times.aspx. Wait times will be updated three to four times per day, depending on the hours of operation for each site. Wait times are approximate and can change very quickly.
Testing at the drive-thru sites is available to anyone who requests it, regardless of whether they have symptoms. A referral from HealthLine 811 or family physician is not required, however, a valid health card and/or identification will be requested.
Public Health Measures
For more information on the current public health measures or to see the Public Health Order, visit www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-measures.
General COVID-19 Information
General public inquiries may be directed to COVID19@health.gov.sk.ca.