The next Meadow Lake city council meeting will be held April 14 as scheduled. However, until public gathering restrictions are lifted, council meetings will be held through electronic meeting tools for council to attend remotely, with the meetings livestreamed on YouTube out to the public. The livestream link will be provided on our website. Members of the public can also receive the information to call into the meeting by contacting

If you would like to report a concern about compliance with provincial health orders, an online reporting tool is available at Calls can also be placed through the COVID-19 information line at 1-855-559-5502.

The province is reminding residents to help protect essential workers in grocery services by limiting the number of trips to stores, and limiting the number of household members participating in shopping trips, wherever possible.  

Starting today (April 6), the city will alternate posting dates for community updates and community spotlights. The next community update will be published on Wednesday.

As always, get your best information here:

·        Public Health Agency of Canada:

·        Government of Saskatchewan: