Friday (March 20), the province’s chief medical health officer updated his public health order under The Public Health Act.
In accordance with the Order from the Government of Saskatchewan on March 20, effective immediately, all persons who have travelled internationally shall go into mandatory self-isolation for 14 days from date of arrival back into Canada. This means employees, physicians, students and volunteers who have returned from international travel on March 6, 2020 or later must immediately self-isolate. Please contact your manager or Area Department Lead to advise them you are required to self-isolate.
This Order also included exemptions for health care workers. Health care workers who have travelled internationally may be exempt only if they are required to work to maintain essential health care services or provide emergency health care. If the SHA determines a healthcare worker is exempt, the worker must be supervised by Infection, Prevention Control Officers and/or Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.
If you are a manager or Area Department Lead and have an urgent need for an exemption to be considered, please contact the provincial Executive Director for your area on call.
More information on self-isolation is available at Saskatchewan.ca/covid19.