After further investigation into the drugs and weapons seized during a search warrant Nov. 2, Meadow Lake RCMP have laid charges against the nine people arrested.
Eight adults (two females and six males) have been released from custody on conditions by a Justice of the Peace to appear in Meadow Lake provincial court Dec. 5. The eight accused are facing various trafficking charges under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Sidney Head, 38, has been remanded into custody to appear in Meadow Lake provincial court Nov. 7 on a multitude of drug trafficking charges, as well as weapons offenses, and Criminal Code charges. Head is also facing a separate charge of possessing a stolen ATV, which Meadow Lake RCMP recovered several weeks ago.
This search warrant came to be after many months of hard work by the detachment members and led by Cst. Khen Wilkins in the GIS position and with the help of the Integrated Enforcement Team out of Prince Albert. The result was thousands of dollars of cocaine seized in addition to the large quantity of prescription pills, marijuana and ecstasy. An exact street value isn’t available at this time, but is significant. Further, RCMP have seized a large quantity of cash seized during the search warrant as proceeds of crime. Finally, three vehicles alleged to have been used to traffic drugs from the residence to buyers in Meadow Lake have also been seized and applications are being made to have these forfeited.
“RCMP believe drug trafficking fuels the property crime problem in Meadow Lake,” noted RCMP Sgt. Ryan How. “The majority of addicts aren’t able to afford to support their addictions so turn to thefts from vehicles and break and enters to buy drugs. RCMP continue to encourage the public to report any property crime because any information does feed into our ability to conduct these types of investigations and allow for these significant seizures.”