In spite of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Meadow Lake voters will still have a chance to hear from and ask questions of their municipal council candidates prior to the Nov. 9 vote.
The Meadow Lake and District Chamber of Commerce is hosting an all candidates forum this Tuesday (Nov. 3) via the online conferencing application, Zoom. The forum is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.
“The forum will be moderated by (Chamber executives) Evan Haubrich and Miles Nachbaur, while each candidate who is able to take part will be given a few minutes to talk about who they are, what they stand for and why they’re running for council,” explained Chamber administrator Trevor Dignean. “The candidates will also be asked three to five questions – depending again on how many are able to take part. The questions will be provided to them ahead of time, and each candidate will have a few minutes to provide their responses.”
While it was unknown as of this week’s press time which candidates would indeed be able to participate in the forum, 11 hopefuls are seeking the six available council seats.
The candidates include Lakeview Elementary School teacher Felicia Adams, Aurora Cinemas manager Amber Ambroziak, North West College instructor Shawn Brander, Flying Dust arena manager Clay Debray, incumbent councillor and Co-op petroleum division manager Ron Dishko, Eatery on Main owner Kassidy Dunsing, Meadow Lake Properties employee Sebastien Dupuis, incumbent councillor and retiree Tom Harrison, incumbent councillor and retiree Richard Levesque, incumbent councillor and Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure operations manager Conrad Read, and Mauri Young of Ron’s Plumbing and Heating.
“This is a little different than a traditional all candidates forum, but we want to do something because there are some people out there who may not know who all of the candidates are,” Dignean said. “There are people who want to hears what the candidates have to say, and if they say something that appeals to the public, it could earn them a few votes.”
Anyone interests in logging into the forum via Zoom is encouraged to email Dignean at mlchamberofcommerce@sasktel.net to receive their virtual invite link. Dignean also said the forum will likely be posted to the Chamber’s website afterward for anyone who is unable to view it live.